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When purchased on a bracelet, the 3719 offers one of replica watches sale the finest sizing systems offered by any watch designed before or since. The entire bracelet replica watches sale features center-links with individual push buttons that permit link-by-link tailoring to the user’s wrist. While IWC’s interest rolex replica sale in unconventional safety bezels and modular bracelets is replica watches well established (and ongoing), the mechanical refinements of the 3719 are just as rolex replica sale thoughtful. IWC employs a variant of the workhorse Valjoux/ETA 7750 chronograph caliber, but this one has been replica watches sale hot-rodded with a Triovis micro-adjuster built for IWC. The watchmakers at replica watches sale IWC selected the Triovis over ETA’s stock system due to the “Trio’s” better shock resistance.